
Friday 13 January 2023

Tylywoch ~ 32

 Tylywoch ~ 32  Reunion 1

 by Len Morgan

   It was several hours after Aldor entered the City before he and Weilla finally found time for their reunion.   By then the palace was under the sure command of lieutenant Veille, and the Surbatt ringleaders were safely under lock and key.

   The Empress was adamant that she would bury her friend Cholou with full honours, and that it would be her first priority.    Cholou had made the supreme sacrifice whilst performing her duty, so she would allow no other business to take precedence.   Her mind was firm, and in that mood, nobody could dissuade her; if so inclined!

After the ceremony she made a public declaration to the crowd that assembled at the palace entrance "Today, I lay my best friend and loyal subject beneath the ground so that she may the sooner return to the wheel of life.   I bear no animosity toward her killers.   I will forgive, but cannot forget those who allowed themselves to become puppets of a foreign country.   I charge all members of the 9th Clan loyal to the empire with the task of rooting out the treacherous architects of the attack that resulted in Cholou’s, and so many other needles deaths; be they high or low born.   As of this moment, the Surbatt is declared an illegal organization.   Henceforth, membership, aiding or actively supporting the sect will be a treasonous act punishable by death.   All Surbatt members currently in custody will be summarily executed like common criminals, and hung from the city walls, as warning to all who would contemplate similar acts of treason.”  She paused as the crowd voiced their approval. 

“By royal assent, From this day forward, all lands currently  administered by the 13th Clan will be deemed theirs together with all income from goods and chattels therein.   Their unofficial Clan status will cease, as of today.  

We hereby decree the 13th Clan will be recognised as an official member of the Cheilin Empire.   They will enjoy full Clan status, becoming equal partners, with equal voting rights.   This means They will be entitled to put forward a candidate for the office of Emperor/Empress when I eventually return to the wheel of life."


The Engagement @ Sea:

The sky was slate grey, but the storm had abated.    From the cliff tops of Ricc point, Terrek could see for twenty miles.   What he saw did not instil confidence in their ability to repel the invasion on the beaches.   He started to methodically count the ships, but gave up at two hundred.   There were many more vague shapes visible beyond, close to the horizon.   He closed his eyes: 

"There must be a fleet in excess of a thousand ships out there."  Said Orden the moment he made contact.   "If a third are carrying stores and equipment there will be in excess of 150,000 warriors out there on the river."

"We have 30,000 here, that's only 5 to 1 odds.   Aldor is bringing between 60 & 80,000." Terrek mused. 

"That means we still have to reduce the odds a little." Jax added. 

"I've been listening to your conversation!   We have the means to do just that Jax!"

"Baedan?" said Terrek in obvious surprise "So you have decided to return and take part in our little dispute…" 

"Who?" Jax asked. 

"Baedan is the wayward member of our family.   He sailed west ten years ago and hasn't been heard from since…"

"There was good reason Orden," said the newcomer, "I'll tell you about it when we meet face to face." 

"Baedan is the wiliest mariner you will ever meet," said Orden "What can you do for us?" 

"I have learned a few tricks in my travels, and I have a little surprise that will do the trick."

"There's a small fleet of ships creeping along the coast…" Terrek began. 

"That will be us.   If Terrek can see us we should be visible to Jax in about fifteen minutes.” 

"I see you." 

"Good!   I want you to watch and listen but maintain silence.   You should be able to see the large black ship near to the fore on your left?   Observe it!"  

Three of the smaller ships headed out, at a tangent, towards the enemy fleet, heading away from the black ship.   The black ship turned to run, others came to the fore to protect it.   The three allied ships continued on their same course splitting up to attack three individual targets.   The larger ships were the first into action, the plumed splashes of their missiles clearly visible in the wakes of the smaller empire ships.   It was immediately obvious that the smaller ships proved to be far more manoeuvrable, lower in the water and faster under sail.   As they approached their targets, their sails were shipped and their ballistos hurled two dozen small missiles into the rigging of the larger ships without apparent effect. 

Then, flames erupted from the two ships and they veered onto the paths of their own fleet.   The watchers on the cliffs could clearly see men abandoning ship, and other ships scurrying to avoid the approaching inferno's, and for long minutes chaos reigned.   There were a number of collisions in the congested channels. 

   Manoeuvrability was limited because the tide was now on the ebb.

Gouts of fire rose from all sides, and further confusion ensued, many ships were obviously reacting with panic.   Whilst Jax had been viewing that initial contact, the rest of the allied fleet had joined in the action, engaging individual targets throughout the front.   They continued in amongst the larger ships, wreaking havoc on either hand, continuing to rain fire on the transports and support vessels alike.   The allied ships had plenty of draft, and were highly manoeuvrable turning within their own length.   Just a hundred small ships were able to wreak havoc on the massed fleet from Bluttland.   It seemed that every ship within sight of land was afire. Then suddenly there were no more fires breaking out on the Blutt ships, the allied ships were out of fire balls.    The large vessels started to head for land.   Counting the ships, Jax realised it could still be possible for the invaders to push home a landing on a scale that could overwhelm the defenders.   A large proportion of the friendly ships fell back to prevent this happening.   But, things still looked grim.

"We are within two hours of the coast, we have 100,000 reinforcements with us and fifty balistos, hold them on the beach and we will crush them!    We don't want them to escape and return in five years with another army, I want them crushed now!   I want any survivors to quiver in fear at the thought of ever crossing that river again.   So we let them land and gain a foothold on the beaches then we fire the ships behind them and they are left with no means of escape." 

"It's Aldor!   Said Orden triumphantly.  "Things couldn't be better, glad you finally made it, we heard you were having a spot of bother back in the big city!" 

"Nothing we couldn't handle."


Jax watched in amazement as the defenders, bolstered by Aldor’s contingent routed what remained of the invasion force.  The depleted fleet turned tail and ran for friendly ports back on the Blutt mainland.   The invasion was over but where was Aldor? 

Pockets of resistance remained, but with their fleet routed, It was simply a mopping up exercise.   They were apprehensive of the fact that somewhere out there lurked another Glamhorten and possibly another Wilden but, after tonight, the time of conjunction would be past.   It would be six months before conditions would again be favourable, but next time the Empire would be ready for them.   And, without the diversion of Taleen's uprising it would be considerably more difficult for them.

When Orden, Baedan, Terrek, Jax, and Aldor finally met face to face two months later (not two hours), they had already developed the rudiments of a communications code that would confuse and misdirect Bedelacq, who had obviously been listening in on their conversations and passing them on to his commanders.  

"He has violated the rules laid down for our conduct in this conflict" said Orden.


Reunion 2:

"We were told you were dead…" Weilla began. 

"It was necessary.   But, Meillo would have known…" 

"When she returned to the wheel, I thought I was completely alone.   Then Galyx told me she would always be with me."  She tapped her forehead. 

Aldor nodded. "As she is with me kitten."

"But, when I tried to summon you, I found you were absent.   That was when I decided you were probably still alive," she said a tear forming in the corner of one eye. 

"Looking is always a good test" he smiled, pulling her into his embrace.   "She was always stronger than me.   When you were lost beneath the ice, and my thoughts dwelt selfishly on what I had lost, with your passing, I was close to breaking down.   Then I saw her strong resolute face and all the pain and hurt I felt was bearable, for her sake.   If I had broken, her mask would have crumbled.   She loved you so, but grief is a private thing to be shared by family…  Then I thought of you," he tapped his head "and immediately I knew you still lived!   Never forget that” he said tapping his forehead. 

"When I was sent to climb Metti Takka and go through the eye of the needle, I became lost and confused when dealing with a spirit.   You talked to me: 'Use your brain not your senses, this is a wraith!' you told me and my mind cleared…"

 "Ah yes, I remember it well!"   he said with an uncharacteristic smile that earned him a playful dig in the ribs.

"I'm not so old that you can mock me with impunity" she warned.   They embraced once more, "It's good to see you again." She declared. 

He smiled again, with utter contentment, "Me too kitten, me too." 

"I have to take up my position with the honour guard" Weilla explained to Aldor, "and I expect Galyx will be returning home as you are alive again?" 

"Not so, Galyx is to take over my role permanently as soon as he is able.   I am going away, and you are coming with me, as my acolyte, there are important things that you must learn," he replied "so that on your sixteenth birthday you will be able to  take full advantage from meeting an old friend, who will be able to complete your education."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"You will see soon enough.   Safe to say you will soon have grey hair and blue eyes just like me, before I decided to shave my head.   If you wish though, you could always dye it…" 

Weilla never got to serve in the palace or indeed to meet the Empress.   Before sunset both she and Aldor would be on their way to Stokk, accompanied by a small army.

Aldor would soon retire, and disappear from Cheilin society.   Galyx would prove to be a very able General of Internal Security in his stead. 

Terrek would also retire, never to be seen again in Hartwell.  

Prince Taleen, would then be found dead on a seldom used out of the way track far from anywhere.   His body when found would be born back, to the Emerald Palace in triumph, for a relatively respectful ‘political’ burial that would heal old wounds. 

Jax would then be free to reclaim and marry Bianne, the object of his affection.    Jax and Bianne would return to Hartwell where he would spend fifty years inventing and selling machinery and clever artefacts that would eventually bring about an industrial revolution.   His steel making processes and methods of production in general would make him a living legend.  When Bianne passed on, he too left Hartwell seemingly an old man.   But, after removing the makeup, he would wandered abroad again as a young man of seventeen.   He founded Universities for Invention, Metallurgy and Scientific studies in many lands before moving on again.   This was not to be the end by any means, merely the start of the beginning, for Jax and for mankind. 

He would never remarry or go through the trauma of watching her grow old and die, he didn't regret one moment of his life with Bianne, it was the time after that he could not forget.  She had always been the most wonderful thing in his life and it hurt so much to say goodbye.


Life goes on…


1 comment:

  1. Sigh of relief (I hear your cheers) this is the end... comments please!
