
Saturday 23 April 2022

Haibun from me

 News round

Rob Kingston


News round

Mum was always first to rise. A stealth-like shake on the shoulder would see the remaining sleepers continue without so much as a disturbed breath.

out sharp a brief cat lick sharpens the light

On time to hear the 6 a.m dock whistle, I weave through the pre and post-war buildings, collect my round and make haste for the start.

Barking dog I own the broken clocks.

Like me and most, my dog Max was a bitsa (mongrel), he would head off to search out anything that moved in the shadows. Always finding something, always being someone’s alarm call

regurgitated war news I drag my feet through father’s youth

The papers of the time were filled pretty much as they are today. Ads, a bit of pomp and bravado, some sport, and the latest craze on the street.

rattling the blue blood a punk on the king's road.

Copyright Robert Kingston




  1. I like this one but you'll have to explain how it works... Hope the dog doesn't offend (it is at the bottom).

  2. You should try a short story; I'm sure it would be very memorable. Why do you own the broken clocks,is it because of the dog? Lovely atmosphere.
