
Saturday 22 January 2022

Mary’s Christmas

 Mary’s Christmas

By Sis Unsworth

Mary had a great Christmas, the best of food and wine,

they all enjoyed the dinner; the day went off just fine.

The children were delighted, that Santa came to call,

as all the gifts they’d asked for, were piled up in the hall.

The champagne was expensive, but it put them in the mood,

and the table in the evening, was ladened down with food.

A pantomime on Boxing Day, they all then did attend,

all the fun and feasting, now it would all end?

No, there was the New Year, she thought that would be fun,

to have another party so all their friends could come.

But now the season was over, it made her feel so down,

it wasn’t that it all fell flat, that made poor Mary frown,

it seemed that she was not alone, with the January blues,

Others also were depressed, when they received the news.

Now it was all over, and they’d all had their fill,

The cost and debts were falling due, and they couldn’t pay the bill…


Copyright Sis Unsworth  

1 comment:

  1. Well thought out Sis, your usual final line made me chuckle. never a truer word...
