
Thursday 29 June 2023

The Other Woman

 The Other Woman 

By Jane Scoggins 

They were standing by the kitchen sink washing up the dishes after their evening meal. Lisa stacking the dishwasher and rinsing their glasses before cleaning the sink. Chris drying the glasses and wiping the table. A routine they had enjoyed companionably for years. The children were staying overnight with her Mum and they had the evening together to look forward to. Lisa was happy until he cleared his throat and out of the blue said quietly.

“I’ve met someone else”

  Of course she thought she had misheard him, so turned to him with her hands dripping with soap suds and said quite simply.

  “What did you just say?”

  “I’ve met someone else” he said again looking her in the eye.

  She didn’t know how she didn't fall down dead with shock and disbelief when the reality of what he was saying hit her. Standing stock still by the sink as he expanded on the brief cruel, hard hitting statement. His voice was gentle but every word cut like a knife. He eventually managed to persuade her to sit at the table with him. After silent shock came floods of tears and then came anger and distress. Not towards him, whom she had loved since she was eighteen, and thought he had loved her back all these years, but HER who must have schemed and cajoled to take him away.  She must be some sort of wicked temptress; someone from his office of course. Where else would he meet another woman? He was a home loving man who loved his wife and kids to the moon and back he had led her to believe. Their relationship had always been solid and they had never had any doubts about each other. They did everything together and she could hardly remember an occasion of a cross word. They were settled as a family in a nice house, they had two lovely daughters and a Disney holiday planned. How could this all have fallen apart in an instant without her having any clue? She thought of the children. It would break their hearts. She realised now that it had been Chris who had suggested they spend a night at Grandma's. He had engineered this evening to be alone with her so he could break the devastating news. With no resolution to be had from more talking Lisa eventually took herself off to bed and cried herself to sleep. Chris slept separately in the girls room. In the morning nothing had changed, it was all still the same nightmare as last night. Puffy-eyed and exhausted Lisa didn't know what to do. She wanted to fight back but didn't know how. They struggled through the morning together, agreeing that he would wait till their daughters were back from Grandma’s and then explain that Daddy had to go on a working trip while they worked out the details of a possible separation. Although Chris had refused to tell her the name of the woman Lisa quite quickly worked out who it must be. She thought she would confront her and tell her to back off from ruining her life and that of her children. If that didn’t work she would appeal to her conscience and plead with her to give him back and find a single man. If that didn't work she would have to think of something more drastic. She was not going to give up easily on the man she loved. When her mother offered to have the children on a Friday night after school Lisa took the train to the city and waited for the attractive woman she knew to be her rival to come out of the office at 6pm. She had renamed her Jolene like in Dolly Parton’s song. She was joined by another woman and they made their way to a nearby wine bar. Lisa followed pulling her scarf over her head. It would be tricky to confront her there so she would bide her time. They were laughing and Lisa felt anger and hate. It was dimly lit in the wine bar and Jolene and her friend were near the bar at the back of the room. Lisa went to the Ladies room to consider her next move. Putting her hand in her bag for her comb she felt the packet of pills she had been taking to get her through the nights. They knocked her out for hours and blocked out her unhappiness. If only that woman knew what she had done to her. Going to the bar she ordered a glass of white wine. The room was busy already with local office workers and gradually more men and women began spilling in through the door laughing and chatting, looking forward to the start of the weekend. Lisa saw their joy but felt none for herself. Although Jolene was clearly in her sights Lisa still did not have the courage to approach her, so she finished her glass of wine and watched. She wanted to do something that would have an impact. That woman needed to experience her anger and distress. And then she had an idea. She accidentally but on purpose knocked into Jolene as she walked behind her and spilled her drink as she was about to take a sip. Lisa insisted on getting her another drink, inwardly smiling with a feeling of malice as Jolene tried to dry the contents of her wine glass from her skirt and silk blouse with a tissue. After buying another glass of wine for her enemy Lisa left the bar with a feeling of great satisfaction.


   Two days later Chris was in contact asking for forgiveness. The affair had not lasted. In fact, it had never started, and he had been staying with his mother. She had urged him to put things right with Lisa. He was distressed and asked her if she would have him back. The woman had been someone who worked in the sandwich bar where he bought his lunch. Under pressure at work, she had been so kind to him and he had been grateful for her support. A mutual attraction had developed. They had been meeting after work for a drink. He had totally misunderstood his feelings. Lisa and Chris met the following day. Upset by their short period of separation Lisa wanted reconciliation. She thought about her trip to the wine bar and how she had got the identification of her rival completely wrong. She felt horribly guilty about what she had done there. She asked Chris to come home and flushed the rest of the tranquillisers down the toilet.


 Lisa listened with shock when Chris told her what had happened to a female friend and colleague at the office. She had had a terrible accident outside a wine bar near their office. Apparently, she had somehow toppled from the pavement onto the road, hitting her head on the curb, and was badly injured by a passing vehicle. She was in a coma, maybe with brain damage. A friend who had been with her at the time had said she had become drowsy while in the wine bar and had gone outside for air. It had been shocking news for Chris. But even more so for Lisa. She had got it all so terribly wrong. That poor innocent woman. Lisa knew she would never be able to erase from her memory the events and consequences of that evening.


Copyright Jane Scoggins








Tuesday 27 June 2023




By Robert Kingston


We enter the towpath at Papermill Lock. Passing the houseboats, we walk for about a mile in light drizzle, before a left turn takes us into a glistening field of green barley.


sucking water

from the crop

our blue jeans

with tide lines

at groin height


Reaching the edge of the field, we pause for a moment at the graveyard fence, as I point to the nest box at the top of the bell tower I’d spotted on an earlier visit.


looking out

a baby osprey

poised to fly 

stumbles back in

to its safe house


Continuing on, we rise and fall as we cross fields of wheat and corn, pass through a lane lined with varied trees, including Yew, Willows and Oaks, and properties to die for, before arriving at the midway point.


retiring early

the weight of his cancer

not yet ready

to give way

to the sun



Copyright Rob Kingston

Sunday 25 June 2023



By Bob French

The ice-cold wind that tugged at her coat, seemed to fade the minute she turned the corner and walked slowly up to the steps that led to Roy’s flat. The street lights hadn’t worked in this part of town in ages, but it didn’t matter.  She stood silently looking up at the doors to the building.  In her mind she could hear the thumping music emanating from his flat and for a brief second, she wanted to rush up the steps and burst into the party; join in with the Christmas spirit, hug and kiss her brother Roy, his girlfriend Mandy, Billy and Paul, Jilly and her lover Monica and Francois, her best friend, who always sang Christmas Carols in his native French tongue when he was drunk.  But it was different now and she wasn’t sure she was ready to face the past, so turned and sat down on the steps and buried her face in her cold hands.  But the sound of laughter of those she loved, taunted her. 

She looked up just as a shooting star streaked across the dark night sky and quickly made a wish, but knew it wouldn’t come true.  A couple passed her, hand in hand and in love, and wished her a Merry Christmas.  She looked up and returned their wishes, just as the Salvation Army band struck up a tune outside the pub and she watched as people started to gather around them. She briefly contemplated joining them, but her conscience forced her to turn and stare up at Roy’s front door.  Then, as though some invisible force had captured her mind, she climbed the steps.

Roy’s flat was on the ground floor and when she let herself in, she found it exactly the same as it had been on the night Roy had died.  She slowly wandered through the rooms, inhaling his presence as if he were still there, recalling his ruffled hair and cheeky smiling face; the good times they had spent here; Yahtzee nights with wine and pizza with all his friends, or raucous afternoons throwing popcorn and abuse at the TV as Fulham attempted to once again, win a game of football.  Now, the place was cold and empty, untouched, a shrine to her brother.  If their parents, whose idea of offering help was to throw money at the problem, had returned from the Caribbean to care for him, then who knows?

In the bedroom, his medication still stood on his bedside table, along with his watch, phone, some loose change, and a half-read novel, and wondered if he’d ever managed to finish it or whether the story ended as badly as Roy’s had.  This was where he had died.  Quietly slipping away in his sleep, all alone. 

Why hadn’t he waited?  He had promised her that they would spend Christmas together, even if it was for one last time, but it seems as though his frail body couldn’t keep going, and whilst she forgave him for getting himself into this mess, she couldn’t bring herself to forgive him for not saying goodbye.

He seemed fine when she’d left him a week ago. A little weak and tired, but not close to death.  His heart had just given up, the doctor had said.  The effort of keeping Roy’s damaged body alive proved too difficult a task.  She would have given her own heart if that’s what it would have taken to keep him alive. 

She sat on the edge of his unmade bed and stared around the room at the dull wallpaper, the faded pictures of the Boomtown Rats and his collection of running medals, memories of better days.  She felt a smile creep across her face as her eyes came to rest on the photo of them all outside Villa Park during the FA Cup semi-finals against Chelsea a few years back. Then she seemed to slump down and cuddle his pillow, slowly inhaling his odor, her mind silently screaming…why, why? but getting no answers.

She had telephoned her parents and amidst tears and long periods of sniffling, told them of Roy’s death. A plea for them to return home for his funeral was met with resentment and annoyance.  The fear of their reputation being tainted by attending a funeral of a drug abuser, even if he was their son, was just too much. They would send money for a headstone.

She lay there listening to the voices pass by the bay window as people made their way down to the local pub at the end of the street; Roy’s local, where his friends would probably be now, raising a glass to his memory.  Every now and then a car would pass by, it’s headlights lighting up the front of the room, catching the glittering reflection of the silver balls and tinsel that hung on the Christmas Tree, bringing happiness to the room, just for a few seconds, just like Roy’s life had done.

Her curiosity caused her to sit up and stare at a dull red light that had caught her eye. With a little effort, she made her way towards it and without thinking, pressed the button.

Instantly the dark, dank room was filled with screams of laughter and music of all his friends dancing and singing, making the room come alive.  She recalled that he had made the tape two Christmases ago. Her smile lasted a few seconds until her eyes started to fill, then she fumbled with the switch and turned it off.  The room suddenly fell cold, empty, and silent again.  Roy didn’t live here anymore, only his ghost.

The silence was gently broken by the faint sound of carol singers moving slowly down the street towards the pub.   

She wandered into the kitchen, usually a bomb site, but to her surprise, Roy had made an attempt to clean it up. On the table were the remains of what looked like a sandwich and next to it was an envelope addressed to her.

She sat down and with a frown on her tired face, slowly opened it, then read it.

She forced back the tears as he took her back to the days when they had looked after each other at boarding school; when they had gone on holiday together to Butlins one summer when their parents had not returned to the UK as promised, and how much he loved her for taking care of him after he had been hooked on drugs, he knew he didn’t deserve her.  She was the only one who really cared. His last sentence made her break down and sob.

‘I really did my best to hang on until Christmas Day, when I knew you would come over, but I could feel my body slowly giving up.  I tried calling you, but my phone battery was flat. I even tried to call on Max, my neighbor, but he had gone back to Austria for the holidays. I want to thank you, Sis, for being my rock and to say sorry I let you down.’

She sat there for what seemed like an hour, tenderly holding on to his letter, silently letting her mind wander back down memory lane to when they were two young kids, abandoned by their parents, cast aside as some sort of inconvenience, and how they had cared for each other.  Then with a deep sigh, she made her way back into his bedroom and slowly sat down on his bed, and stared at the wall, trying to collect her thoughts about how to arrange Roy’s funeral.  But it was Christmas, and everything was closed. Everyone had gone off to parents, or family. There was no one she could turn to for help. Suddenly she felt alone and helpless in the world.  She had lost the only person she ever cared for. No one knew she was here and no one probably cared. 

Without thinking she took out her phone and called her parents. Her father answered the phone and once he recognized her voice, he simply passed it to her mother.

“You do call at the most inconvenient moments, don’t you?” she could hear the anger in her mother’s voice.

“Mum, I need…..” and started to sob.  She wanted her help, her support, but her mother spoke over her, telling her to call back in the New Year.  Then the phone went dead.

Her mind went numb as she closed her eyes and started to lie down when her foot caught something.  It sounded like she’d kicked over a glass. Leaning forward to look under the bed, she saw a syringe up against one of his slippers.  It still had a full tube of some pink liquid in it.  She carefully picked it up and smelt it and instantly recognized the contents, then slowly lent back and with a sense of resignation she said.

“Oh, What the heck.”


Copyright Bob French

Friday 23 June 2023

The Gods

 The Gods

Peter Woodgate

Orion the Hunter, a constellation

Serene goddess of the moon

Hermes, a messenger to all of the gods

Perseus, who died too soon.

Apollo, the sound of music heard

Aphrodite, goddess of love

Poseidon, from the mighty seas

Zeus, rules from above.

Jason, wanderer of the seas

Helios, the sun god of fire

Gaia, the mother of all earth

Boris, just a bloody liar.

Copyright Peter Woodgate

Sunday 18 June 2023



 by Richard Banks        

Danny looked at his watch but it had stopped and no amount of prodding and shaking was going to make it work again. Other boys would have just ditched it and got their parents to buy them another one, a solar powered one with extra functions, like a compass and thermometer. But he wasn’t like other boys, never had been, never would be, of that he was certain. 

      He flipped a stone off the jetty and watched the ripples spread across the lake towards the band of shiny water that reflected the moon and the security light of the boat house. Soon it would be day; the main road that bisected the forest would roar with the sound of traffic and the boat keeper arriving to bring in the boats from the island where they were moored. The boat keeper didn’t like feral boys who tried to break into the boathouse. He was a big man, belligerent, not a fellow to tangle with. Best to be gone before he arrived, to lay low in the wood where Shoeless, Irish and Old Jack lit fires at night and drank super strength cider. Like him they were outcasts, no-hopers, good for nothing. Maybe that’s why he kept the watch, a reminder of better times when everything was normal, sometimes good, like things should be, like it was for other boys - even then the bad times were never far away. 

      He remembered that Friday, in the school holidays, when he was late back from football. Dad was angry but Mum said it wasn’t his fault, the boy didn’t have a watch, how was he to know what time it was? The routine of another row was brewing; Dad trying to lay down the law, Mum talking back, defiant, hands on hips, raising her voice as he raised his, then Dad shouting, inarticulate with rage, losing the plot and Mum screaming as he lashed out. 

      Danny abandoned the opening hostilities and retreated to his room where he lay on the bed reading a comic. Next door the emotional tumult of voices reached their inevitable conclusion and doors slammed, signalling that Mum had taken refuge in the flat’s other bedroom. A few minutes later the living room door opened and Dad was on his way to see if she was okay, he hadn’t meant it, he wouldn’t do it again - of course, Danny could have a watch.   

      The next day Dad took him down to the jewellers in the High Street and asked the man to show him the watch in the window, the bright blue one with a picture of      Thomas the Tank Engine on the dial. “But that’s for kids at infant’s school,” Danny protested, “the other boys would laugh.” He needed something more grown up, with a window in it to show the day of the month. Dad was getting angry again but the man said he had just the watch, the New Trekker,  and although it was more expensive than the one in the sale it was stronger, better quality, and came with a five year guarantee. When Dad hesitated, the man, sensing that he was about to lose a sale, said he would take half the money now and the rest at the end of the month. The deal was struck and Dad paid with a crumpled ten pound note and a fistful of coins.   

  On the journey home, they stopped off at the park and Dad strapped the watch to Danny’s wrist and showed him how to change the time and date. They examined the instructions together and discovered that the watch also had a light that lit up the dial and an alarm that they set for 7.30 in the morning. They hurried home to show Mum, to explain how it worked, and Mum said it was the best watch she had ever seen and that they should fill out the guarantee and send it off before something happened to it. Then Mum read the instructions and found that the watch also had a stopwatch and she set it for fifteen minutes to remind her to take the dinner out of the oven. The sun shone warmly and no one wanted the day to end.

      Two weeks later Danny was back at school and Dad was in and out of another job. There had been an argument, punches thrown and the police called to escort him out of the factory. Life was back to normal; three people struggling to coexist in the unwanted togetherness of four small rooms. Mum threatening to leave but with nowhere to go. Dad affecting indifference, inwardly seething, a time bomb ticking. Danny with the golden memory of a perfect day, that made the spring days that followed seem dull and deficient. He consoled himself with the thought that he now owned a New Trekker, not a hand-me-down from the cousins or something from a charity shop; a new watch that was the envy of his school friends. Not even Barrett, who lived in the big house next to the church, had anything that good.

      Ever the pragmatist, he knew it couldn’t last. In time, maybe before the end of term, other boys would get new watches, better watches, and his unexpected rise in their esteem would be at an end. But until then he was someone, the indispensable someone who was needed to time their races and football matches, the boy who told them the minutes past the hour, the free meals boy who was now ‘one of them’. Although revelling in the novelty of his newfound popularity, he was, nonetheless, troubled by uneasy feelings that linked the outstanding balance on his watch to his father’s unemployment. What if Dad couldn’t pay? What would happen then? The answer came on the penultimate day of the month. 

      He arrived home to find Dad sorting out the household bills into the usual columns: those that were the subject of a final demand requiring at least partial payment, those only one or two months overdue, and those that could be safely ignored because the amounts were insufficient to warrant recovery action beyond an angry demand for payment. If the jeweller’s invoice was in the third column all was well; instead, it occupied a separate space on the dining room table; a puzzling anomaly in Dad’s system. Mum asked if he would clear the table for tea and Dad, unusually compliant, returned the bills to his box. There was an uneasy silence and Mum said that Dad had something to say. His words came slowly, in short, clumsy sentences. The watch had to go back. He had spoken to Mr Drewett, the jeweller, who was going to refund the money already paid. It was needed for other things.  

     Dad couldn’t bring himself to say sorry, it wasn’t his way. Neither was he a man to explain his decisions. He was a man of action, not words and Danny saw that he had failed in both. This headstrong man, full of bluster and defiance, was going to surrender his watch for the paltry sum of £12.50. It wasn’t fair, it mustn’t happen. Rage surged through his body. As his father reached out a palm to take possession of the watch Danny brought up his hand in a tight fist that struck the tip of his father’s bristly jaw. There was a look of disbelief on both their faces. For a moment they were too stunned to react, then Dad tried to catch him by the arm. Danny stepped back two paces, anger giving way to fear, aggression to flight. Another backward step took him almost to the front door. In a few panic stricken moments he was through it and running hard towards the woodland at the end of the road. Dad was shouting at him, and Mum was shouting at Dad, but as their voices decreased in volume Danny realised that neither were in pursuit. 

      He reached the trees and stopped to catch his breath; to decide what to do next. They would soon be looking for him, he had to get further away. On the far side of the wood, there was a boating lake with benches and an ice cream parlour that stayed open late on summer evenings. There would be people there. People that might save him from a beating if Dad appeared, belt in hand. By the time he reached the lake, the sun was low in the sky and the boat keeper was no longer hiring out boats. Two of Danny’s classmates were there. They talked, played football with a tennis ball and threw stones into the lake. It was nearly dark, the last rowers were returning to shore and family parties drifted off towards the car park. “Is it 9 o’clock?” said one of the boys. Danny confirmed that it was and they sauntered off to their homes on the other side of the main road. The boatman took several boats in tow and moored them on the island. He returned in a dinghy and dragged it up the gravel bank into the boat house. The ice cream man served his last customer and put down the shutters. “Fancy a pint?” he asked. “Why not,” said the boatman. They locked up and departed together, unaware of the boy sitting cross-legged on the jetty. 

        On the other side of the lake, an invisible figure observed the boy he had first noticed an hour before. He knew the boy and where he lived. There was no time to lose. If the boy moved away from the security light, he too would become invisible. He moved around the side of the lake where there were trees and bushes close to the waterline, finally arriving at the boathouse end where the boy still sat. 

     The man knew not why he did the things he did, only that he must, his mind was too full of nightmares, paranoia, and White Ace. He had once been a boy, an abandoned boy; there had been pain, and suffering. He tried hard to forget, he drank to forget, but the memories wouldn’t go away, he hid them in dark places, but no place was deep enough and memories, fragments of memory, would break free and burst into the light, and the light became a nightmare. 

       He was closing in, nearly there, only a cricket strip between them, his bare feet silent on the stony ground. The man was once a soldier, won medals, twice promoted, he had strong hands, he was used to death. The stones no longer hurt his feet, he was on the jetty now, four more steps, maybe five and he would be there. He reached out his hands and rushed forward.



      Danny tossed another stone into the lake. It had been a long night, frosty cold, the trees leafless, dark skeletons against the dawn sky. Was it seven or eight am? He wasn’t sure. If the watch still worked he would have known the time, known precisely when to leave. What good, he thought, was a watch with broken glass and hands stuck on ten o clock? The breaking of it he did not remember. His only memories were of the thick fingers that gripped his neck, that forced his head and shoulders into the lake, and the bitter taste of the water that flooded his lungs. He struggled, splashed the water with his arms, made one gargling cry for help, but no one was there, only the man, and he was too strong. 

      The sun was rising, it was time to go back to the wood, to the shallow grave in which his body lay. One day someone would find him and Mum and Dad would scrape together enough money to take him to church in a big limousine, just like they did for Granddad Jones. Things would be different then, better, maybe good. For now, he felt only sadness.


The End.


Copyright Richard Banks



Friday 9 June 2023



By Bob French

Without looking back, Jilly screamed, then stomped from the flat, slamming the door behind her, and hurried down the stairs to the front door of the building.  She had shared the flat with Justine for over two years and thought they had a good thing going until she’d come home early last evening suffering from a headache, only to find the toe-rag giving Pauline, of all people, a good rogering in their bed

She knew Justine was a bit of a flirt, but Pauline.  From the History Research Team! As she wrenched open the front door, she screamed out at the top of her voice for all to hear. “Pauline!  Good God, you must be desperate! I hope she gives you the pox.” Then as calmly as possible, she walked out into the cool evening.

          That was five years ago, and Jilly had moved on, putting her encounters with the opposite sex behind her. In fact, she made a point of avoiding them at all costs.

She had gained a first in Maths and had been snapped up by Tanner, Wilkinson and Tanner, a Business Accountancy Consultancy based in the suburbs of Colchester.  The hours were very agreeable and so were the perks; two months holiday a year, a travel card and a very handsome allowance for accommodation, which she spent on an extremely comfortable flat at the top of one of the high-rise buildings overlooking Colchester Golf Club in Braiswick. The thing that persuaded her to take the job was that the staff were all female and Tanner, Wilkinson and Tanner were not only females but laid-back and part of a successful team, which made the decision easy.

It was around three on Thursday afternoon in the first week of March when Martha Tanner, the owner of the company called her in to her office.

“Jilly.  I have a special job for you. Heatherspoons has a problem with trying to balance their books before the end of the tax year.  Can you be a dear and call them up and make an appointment to visit them and sort out their problem? Monday or Tuesday would be good, as I need you on Wednesday.”

One of the things Jully really enjoyed was the tradition that on Friday night, everyone headed for The Pink Lady wine bar for a few hours to let their hair down, and get the silly things off their chest and then push off for a relaxing weekend.

Everyone was thoroughly enjoying themselves when Frances Tanner eased herself in next to Jilly.

“Glad I got you Jilly.  Martha told me that she’s asked you to pop over to Heatherspoons.”

“Yes, Tuesday at ten.  Anything I should look out for?”

“Have you been there before?”

Jully noticed that the tone in her voice change slightly.  “No.  First time off the leash, so to speak.”

“Mmmm.  The company is over near Hythe, on the river Colne. They are a strange bunch, so please be careful.”

Jilly saw the concern in Frances’s eyes and wanted to ask her what she meant, but she had patted her on the shoulder and vanished into the crowd. 

Before Jilly could go after her, Mandy, her team leader staggered across to her and put her arms around her.

“Come on lovey, it’s your round.”

An hour later, the team started to drift off for the weekend.  Jilly said farewell to Harry, the barman, then left to get into her car.  It was only a ten-minute drive and at this time of night, the roads would be deserted, she thought.

She turned onto the main road and started down it, all the time thinking of what Frances had said to her. She went over the warning again and again in her mind until suddenly there was a scream, then a bump, and Jilly realised that she was pulling the car over to the curb.

When she got out and looked back, there laying on the road was a woman.

“Oh my God!  Are you alright?  I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you. Are you OK?

The woman looked dazed and her leg seemed a little crooked. She sat there for a minute, then started to cry. “I think I’ve broken my leg.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve just called for an ambulance.  Just lay back and relax.  It won’t be long.”

Once the ambulance had left, the police officer took down her details and said that they would be in touch.  Jilly sat in her car.  She felt afraid.  She had heard of people being involved in a traffic accident and being sued by the injured party for thousands of pounds.

Saturday morning, Jilly called her local garage and had it dropped off to repair the dent.  This meant that she had to hire a car. This proved to be a problem as the only available cars left were old and worn out to say the least.  

It was raining on Tuesday morning as Jilly drove across town towards Hythe.  Just as she ventured out into the country, the car started to splutter, lurch, then stop.  She looked around, but all she could see was countryside.  Not wanting to be late, she got out of the car and popped up her umbrella, and started walking.

After about ten minutes, she heard the sound of a car approaching from behind.  Before she could move over to the grass verge, it stopped.

“Excuse me, Miss.  Do you want a lift?”

Jilly looked at the man, taking in the details; late forties, with a kind face. Bright blue eyes, smartly dressed in a dark grey suit and a red scarf.  Very trendy.  Just then the wind picked up and nearly tore the umbrella from her hand.  The thought of chasing down the country road forced her to make a decision.

“Thank you, yes please. I’m trying to get to Hythe.”

“That’s fine.  I can drop you off.  It’s on my way.”

Once inside the warm and comfortable BMV,  Jilly relaxed. “Jilly Watson.” As she held out her hand.

The man glanced at her, then took her hand. Horthorn Wentworth.  You from around these parts?”

“No, I live in the north of Colchester.  They chatted for a short while then he pulled the car over to the curb.  She looked around at the one street town.

Jilly was confused.  Is this Hythe?”

Horthorn Wentworth nodded, then pointed to the faded roadside sign which told anyone who wanted to know, that this was the village of Hythe.

Jilly smiled at him.  Thank you so much Horthorn, I really appreciate you helping me.  She extended her hand, which he took, and gently kissed it.

Jilly, a little surprised, smiled at him, then climbed out of the car and made her way into the village.

Once she had met the team from Weatherspoons, she called the garage; gave them the location of the dead car, and asked that they deliver a working car, made in the last fifty years, to Weatherspoons before three in the afternoon.

As she sat in her Jamie’s and bunny rabbit slippers, watching the TV that night, the news came on.  She suddenly jumped forward spilling her popcorn all over Muffin, her cat.  The face of Horthorn Wentworth had appeared on the screen.  She listed to the newscaster explained that this man had been on the run for the last six months and is known to come from the Colchester area. The public are strongly advised not be approach him at any cost.  He is a very violent man and is wanted for the murder of three women.

That night Jilly did not sleep well, and in the morning, she reported what had happened to the police.  Whilst on the phone, the police officer informed her that the lady she had run over last week would like to get in contact. 

“You have her details I trust, Miss Watson.”

Jilly sat back in her chair and closed her eyes.  ‘I’m going to be sued for thousands of pounds just because I wasn’t concentrating on the road. After some soul-searching and a stiff cup of coffee, she called the lady.

“Hello. It’s Jilly Watson, the idiot who ran you over last week.  Look I am so sorry but…”

“Jilly, my dear.”  Jilly couldn’t understand the upbeat tone of the woman. I just wanted to thank you.”

Jilly spoke slowly to her.  “I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.  I ran you over and put you in hospital, and you are about to sue me, aren’t you?”

“Good heavens no.  Whilst I was in hospital, they gave me a thorough check-over and found that I had the start of breast cancer.  They made an appointment for me straight away, and it looks like because it was caught early, there is no real threat.  You see.  If you hadn’t run me over, I would have carried on living my life, only to find in a year or so’s time that my cancer had become incurable, so thank you Jilly, and no, I will not be suing you. Thanks for calling. 

Copyright Bob French

Tuesday 30 May 2023

The Beach Hut

 The Beach Hut

By Sis Unsworth

Bob did so love to decorate, he really was a treasure,

he’d painted out this old beach hut, to him it was a pleasure.

It really looked a picture, the best hut on the beach,

he thought the new girl on the block, may now be in his reach.

Kay was such a pretty girl, who’d just moved down his street,

but all the local lads around, were also keen to meet.

Bob heard she owned a beach hut, in need of loving care,

with little hesitation, he was the first one there.

He helped her pick out colour paints, they found it so much fun,

For sure she would be pleased with him, when the job was done.

He had arrived this morning, on such a perfect day,

he knew she’d call in later, so he started right away.

There were so many beach huts, stretched along the sand,

certain this would be the best, he’d made it look real grand.

Bob cleaned it out so thoroughly, and painted it with care,

Kay said she’d come this afternoon, so would meet him there.

He thought she would go out with him, when the job was done,

So worked hard through the afternoon, until the setting sun.

Suddenly he saw her, as she came across the sand,

things were going perfectly, just the way he’d planned.

she looked so pleased to see him, it made him feel so good,

admired his work with wonder, just how he’d hoped she would.

Kay said “It looks so beautiful, the best one that’s for sure,

The only problem I can see is, my hut’s the one next door!!!”


Copyright Sis Unsworth